Friday 1 March 2013

Best Indian Movie ever made

This can be debatable but if not best it's is for sure and will remain on of the best movies that came out of Bollywood in last decade.
Its about today, us and our present, yet the similarities we have from the Pre-independence era. The Gen-x who knows Mac-D,Dominos... but still prefers the Dhaba Paranthas with sweet Lassi. However they restrict their national values only to food and nothing more. Its not a run of the mill stuff with six  songs, couple of foreign locales and then finally some emotional drama, Rang D in fact is a Cult movie. It is more of an introspection, a food for our thought process. It makes us think, as to how should we actually celebrate our freedom.

It was a innovative attempt by the director and for that matter he has selected a near perfect cast. However veterans like Om Puri and Anupam Kher looked disposed. All the characters grow gradually in the film and make you think their way. Everyone is given enough space to justify their talent. 

The highlight of the movie is the great use of cinematography techniques. It was probably for the first time in Indian cinema that juxtaposing has been used with such a great effect.
The movie has a clear message in everything it presents, even the group of boys represents different sects of society and religion. Hence creating an appeal for everyone watching it. Music is another high point of the show, its foot tapping and very much with the mood of the subject something unusual in Bollywood movies of Our age.

The movie starts on a very high spirit reflecting today's youth mindset who believe that patriotism is something that looks good in history chapters and today's world is far ahead of all that, they would prefer to go boozing and dancing rather than thinking on any of those lines, the use of flashback to show the historical scenes, very fine use of cinematography and art direction to show the difference between past and present India. its a journey of boys from college students to the fiery,rebel.It's the finest attempt's in past decade that could draw every generation to cinemas.

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